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Overcoming your fears

When you face powerful emotions like fear and failure, do they stop you in your tracks or propel you into forward action? Today I want to challenge you to set a “Fear Breaker Challenge”. Identify the thing in life that scares you most right now. The thing that keeps you from taking decisive action and moving forward. Ask yourself a few questions: 1. What EXACTLY am I afraid of? 2. What is the absolute worst-case scenario around this fear? 3. Is what’s holding me back in reality or just in my head? Often diving into what it is you’re actually afraid of will show you that the fear comes from the stories you’re telling yourself in your own head rather than reality. Let me tell you about a fear I overcame... Before I started my own business, I was in a stable job with a decent income. I wanted to retrain and become a fitness professional, but I had fears. Not only was I scared that I wouldn’t make any money and my business would fail, but I was scared about even going on the Personal Training course, alongside all the other ‘’fit gym goers’’. BUT I DID IT, and I’m so glad I did because it made me grow.

Now go set your Fear Breaker Challenge! Tackle that fear head on. Tell yourself that this is just a stepping stone to your success. And if you “fail,” you get to have an incredible learning experience, since failure is just a slight derailment on your path meant to correct your actions to lead you to where you are supposed to be. What’s the thing you can set a Fear Breaker Challenge on? Email and let me know! P.S. One of our specialties here at Empowered Fitness is helping clients overcome their fears around exercise and their bodies. If this is an area you struggle with, please reply and share with me. Everything you share is in confidence, and I’m here to lend an empathetic ear and show you a way forward. :-)

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