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Turning a dream into reality

One of the biggest challenges people face around change is that they know what they’d like to accomplish but don’t understand the steps to getting there.

We can feel momentary motivation and excitement over the possibility, but often, it’s followed by fear and a sense of not knowing where to start. You see, if you have a big dream or goal, getting there can feel overwhelming and even scary.

Whether it’s losing 3 stone, starting a business, or even just getting yourself off of a medication, the long road is what sets so many people back or off track.

So, here’s the roadmap to follow:

Dream > Goal > Plan > Action

Simply put:

  1. Write down the dream to turn it into a goal.

  2. Break the goal into a step-by-step process for how to turn the goal to reality (create a plan).

  3. Then, turn the plan into daily or weekly action steps that move you forward and which you can stay accountable to

This is simple but not easy. It requires focus and discipline, but you truly can accomplish any goal you might have in any area of your life.

Don’t believe me? Check out our client Hilary. She ate a diet of convenience foods, was sedentary all day and hadn’t done exercise in a very long time. This wonderful lady in her 50s set herself a goal to stop making excuses, lose 2 stone and make fitness a regular part of her weekly routine. And she gave herself 12 months to do it. It’s fair to say she smashed her goals out of the park!

If you’re interested in getting results like Hilary, just click here and let us know. We’re also taking sign ups for our 21 Day Empowered Transformation programme (starts 19th November) where we will teach you exactly what Hilary did to get these results. Simply click here for more information and to book your space. We’ll get back in touch ASAP.

And be sure to share with us your big dream so we can help you make it happen!

To Your Success,


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