Some thoughts as we enter a New Year...
I don’t know about you, but for me 2018 went by faster than any other year! Some of the highlights for me personally were: Achieving my...
A Christmas message from the heart
I hope you are settling in for some downtime with family and friends. This is one of my favourite times of the year because I’m...
Personal trainer tips: Mind Control!
You’ve heard me talk about this before, but I want to reiterate that your mind is a powerful thing. It can be very convincing, regardless...
Personal trainer tips: your brain is watching...
When you resolve to do something, whether or not you actually follow it through, can have a profound impact both now and in the future....
Free 7 Day Meal Plan
One of the best ways to ensure success in your fitness and to achieve a lean, healthy body is to plan your meals! A good meal plan...
Five nutrition practices to implement right now!
Not everything you’ve been told about food is true. See, willpower is a finite thing, so when you try to control your food intake based...