Start your Stoptober!
At Empowered Fitness, we’re joining in with the Stoptober campaign. The campaign was originally started by the NHS to encourage people to give up smoking, but we’re taking our own spin on it by encouraging you to choose ONE thing you want to stop doing in October. While we generally prefer a more positive focus and get people thinking about new things to START doing, rather than things to STOP doing, it’s always good to reflect on your bad habits and see which ones are holding you back from achieving your goals.
So what’s holding you back from achieving your health and fitness goals right now?
Perhaps you will go sober for October? Maybe you’re going to stop ordering takeaways on Friday nights? Maybe you’re going to stop eating chocolate biscuits, because you know once you’ve had one, the whole packet is gone (sound familiar?) Or it might be that you’re going to stop staying up late watching Netflix and get to bed by 10pm, so you’re not dragging your sorry arse out of bed each morning? Whatever it may be for you personally, I encourage you to pick just one thing this month which will make a positive impact on your life.
The important part to succeeding at this is telling those around you because they will become your support system and accountability. This is the key to the success of our clients – we ensure everyone has maximum support and accountability as part of our Empowered Fitness community. Create your own community at home, at work, or give us shout if you think our community sounds right up your street.