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Personal trainer tips: Why it's important to not give up when you have a bad day...

Can you believe it’s February already! Have you managed to get your health and fitness habits up and running for the New Year yet?

Some of you may have had some early hurdles, some of you may not have started at all, but the key is not to beat yourself up about what hasn’t happened and try to think positively and make that first change tomorrow.

Of course, consistency is key when you’re looking to make big changes, but life can often get in the way, and remember: we’re only human! Work needs to be done and children need looking after, plus whatever other challenges life throws at you, but it’s important not to let it beat you and try to get back as soon as possible.

If you have a bad day, here are a few tips to help you get your food and movement back on track:


  • If you have a meal which is not planned and is high in sugar, fat, or both, just try and make sure your next meal is better. Something high in protein in fibre and low in carbohydrates would be good.

  • If you end up having a whole day which is bad, due to illness or not being prepared, make it your challenge to bring it back on track over the course of the next few days. If you have one bad day and six good days in a week, this won’t be the end of the world!

  • If you went off track due to being out for the day and you got hungry, try and take some easy snacks with you next time to help you out. Something like fruit, nuts, or a protein bar/shake will help massively and won’t stink your bag out!

Working out:

  • If you had intentions of working out and didn’t / couldn’t, try and get just a bit of extra daily movement in as a minimum. A good one is to just get some extra steps in, so that could be a longer dog walk, walk with your partner or maybe walk/cycle to work. If you’ve been too busy to work out this will help ease any daily stresses too.

  • If you scheduled 30 minutes for a workout at the gym, but don’t quite have 30 minutes, don’t let that be your excuse to miss out altogether. A 10, 15, 20-minute workout is still worth it! If you keep it quite intense, you’ll still be able to work up a good sweat, burn lots of energy, and leave with a smile!

  • Don’t forget home workouts! You may not be able to leave the house for some reason, but check online for bodyweight workouts - or with weights if you have some – again, this can keep you on track.

So, if January hasn’t gone quite to plan, try and make small steps to make February the month you start making those changes. Good luck!

If you need any further guidance, you can get in touch with our expert personal trainers in Bristol by calling 0117 403 7600, or email

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